1502 North, First Street
Abilene, TX 79601
Phone: (325) 672-9999
Email: mocefbc@swconnect.net
Noah Project
P.O. Box 875
1636 North 20th St
Abilene, TX 79604
Hotline: (325) 676-7107 or 1-800- 444-3551
Phone: (325) 672-6626
Web: http://www.noahproject.org
Shelter available for families, crisis counseling and advocacy.
PO Box 1470
Alpine, TX 79831
Hotline: (432) 834-0654 or 1-800-834-0654
Phone: (432) 837-7254
Email: fccbb@sbcglobal.net
Counties Served: Brewster, Jeff Davis, Pecos, Presidio, Terrell
Rio-Pecos Family Crisis Center
P.O. Box 1470
Alpine, TX 79831
Hotline: (432) 834-654 or 1-800- 834-0654
Phone: (432) 837-7254
1001 South Polk Street
Amarillo, TX 79101
Hotline: 1-800-749-9026 or 806-374-5433
Phone: (806) 342-2500
Phone: 1-800-799-7233 (Espanol)
Web: http://www.fss-ama.org
Serving Armstrong, Castro, Deaf Smith, Oldham, Randall, and Swisher Counties. Family support services, 24 hour assistance, emergency shelter, medical, legal, and judicial advocacy programs, crisis intervention.
PO Box 476
Angelton, TX 7516
Hotline: 1-800-243-5788/ 281-585-0902
Phone: (979) 849-9553 Office
Emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy, other services are available.
212 E. Magnolia
Angleton, TX 77515
Phone: (979) 849-6464
Phone: (800) 244-5492
PO Box 1207
Arlington, TX 76004
Hotline: (817) 535-6464 or 1-877-701-7233
Phone: (817) 535-6462
Web: http://www.safehaventc.org
Individual and group counseling, case management, advocacy programs, legal and immigration services.
Safehaven of Tarrant County
PO Box 1207
Arlington, TX 76004-1207
Hotline: (817) 460-5566 or 1-877-701-7233
Phone: (817) 548-0583
Web: http://www.safehaventc.org
Services: individual and group counseling, case management, immigration assistance, advocacy services.
P.O. Box 1723
Athens, TX 75751
Phone: 903-677-9177
Fax: 903-677-9177
The Family Peace Project assists victims of domestic violence with immediate safe house shelter, food, rent, relocation, deposits. There are also 3 transitional houses.
703 West Main, Suite H
Atlanta, TX 75551
Hotline: (903) 876-4808
Phone: (903) 796-8847
4201 Edbluestein
Austin, TX 78721
Phone: 512-974-8535
The Family Violence Protection Team (FVPT) is a collaborative, community response to family violence that provides multiple services at one location. They improve access to law enforcement, counseling, crisis management and legal services for survivors of family violence and their children.
Family Violence Diversion Networks/Lifeworks
2001 Chicon
Austin, TX 78722
Hotline: 512-735-2400
Phone: (512) 478-1648 or 512-735-2100
Web: http://www.lifeworksweb.org
Email: info@lifeworksweb.org
Services to youth and families including housing, counseling and education.
Migrant Clinicians Network
P.O. Box 164285
Austin, TX 78716
Hotline: (800) 825-8205
Phone: (512) 327-2017
Web: http://www.migrantclinician.org
Providing professional education, peer networking, access to research, clinical tools and best practices to future clinical leadership.
Political Asylum Project of Austin (PAPA), American Gateways
One Highland Center
314 E. Highland Mall Blvd. suite 501
Austin, TX 78702
Phone: (512) 478-0546
Immigration services.
Safe Place
PO BOX 19454
Austin, TX 78760
Hotline: 512-267-SAFE
Phone: (512) 927-9616
Web: http://www.safeplace.org
Advocacy Programs, community education, collaborations and Partnerships, crisis services, deaf services, disability services, long-term support, school-based programs.
Texas Council On Family Violence
PO BOX 161810
Austin, TX 78716
Phone: (512) 794-1133
Phone: (800) 525-1978
Web: http://www.tcfv.org
Women’s Advocacy Project, Inc.
PO Box 833
Austin, TX 78767
Hotline: 800-777-FAIR (3247) In Austin 512-476-1866
Phone: 800-374-HOPE (4673) Family Violence Legal Hotline
Web: http://www.women-law.org
PO Box 736/431 Old Austin Highway
Bastrop, TX 78602
Hotline: (888) 303-7755 or (888) 311-7755
Phone: (512) 321-7760 (office)
Phone: Local (512) 303-7755
Web: http://www.family-crisis-center.org
Email: fcc@familycrisiscenter.us
Emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis intervention services, supportive housing, violence intervention programs, preventative education and awareness.
Bay City
PO Box 1820
Bay City, TX 77404
Hotline: (979) 245-9299
Phone: (979) 245-9109 (Office)
Email: mcwcc@crisiscnt.com
313 S. Highway 146
Baytown, TX 77520
Hotline: (281) 824-4807
Phone: (281) 424-3300 (Office)
Web: http://www.newhorizonfamilycenter.org
Also Serving Anahuac, Barrett, Chambers, Channelview,Crosby, Station, Dayton, Huffman, Liberty, Mt. Belvieu, North Channel, McNair, and Winnie Counties. Services: emergency shelter, counseling, legal aid, children activities, and resume workshops, other resources available.
Women & Children’s Shelter
Beaumont, TX 77725
Hotline: (409) 621-8882
Phone: (409) 832-7575 (Office)
Services: Transitional Housing, children and family advocacy program, legal advocacy, counseling community education.
1201 E. Ninth, Bldg. 6, 2nd Floor
Bonham, TX 75418
Hotline: (903) 583-7000 or 1-877-583-7011
Phone: (903) 583-7694
Email: fcfcc@verizon.net
Assistance with locating and transportation to emergency shelter.
300 W. 6th St
PO Box 182
Borger, TX 79008
Hotline: (806) 273-2313
Phone: (806) 274-9677
P O Box 310
Brady, TX 76825
Hotline: (325) 597-7644
Phone: (325) 597-7644 (Office)
Email: Ib-haven@classicnet.net
PO Box 3112
Brownsville, TX 78523
Hotline: (956) 544-7412
Phone: (956) 544-7412
PO Box 1202
Brownwood, TX 76804
Hotline: (888) 313-2699
Phone: (325) 643-2699
See affiliate shelter in Abilene. Serving Coleman, Comanche, Mills, and San Saba Counties.
2505 S. College Ave.
Bryan, TX 77801
Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Phone: 979-822-7511
Web: http://www.twincitymission.org
Also, serving Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington Counties. Services: Residential Programs, Case Management, Legal Advocacy, Individual, Group, and Family Counseling, Emergency Shelter(up to 45 days).
Carrizo Springs
P.O. Box 932
Carrizo Springs, TX 78834
Hotline: (210) 876-2098
Phone: (210) 876-2401
Wintergarden Women’s Shelter, Inc.
PO Box 1382
Carrizo Springs, TX 78834
Hotline: (800) 363-9441
Phone: (830) 876-9656
PO Box 43
Cleburne, TX 76033
Hotline: (800) 848-3206
Phone: (817) 641-2343
2206 Live Oak St.
Commerce, TX 75428
Hotline: (903) 454-4357
Phone: (903) 886-1224
Corpus Christi
PO Box 3368
Corpus Christi, TX 78463
Hotline: (361) 580-4878
Phone: (361) 884-2900
Web: http://www.womenslaw.org
Also Serving Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio Counties
Women’s Shelter of South Texas
P.O.Box 3368
Corpus Christi, TX 78463-3368
Hotline: (361) 881-8888 or 1-800 HURT(4878)
Phone: (361) 664-8598
Web: http://www.thewomensshelter.org
Services: emergency shelter, community education, clinical counseling, rape crisis services, rural outreach, youth services, and batterers intervention prevention.
Crystal City
Zavala County Courthouse Annex
Crystal City, TX 78839
Hotline: (800) 363-9441
Phone: (830) 374-2991
408 Park Avenue
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214-746-2785 ext. 243
Web: http://www.thestewpot.org
Email: bruceb@presbyterians.org
The Stewpot is a comprehensive resource center for homeless and at-risk individuals of Dallas. The Stewpot also offers comprehensive children and youth programs. Free Lunch Weekdays 11:30-12:30; An Address for Receiving Mail; Casework Services; Photo ID’s & Texas ID’s; AA & NA Meetings; Medical & Dental Services; Transitional Employment Program; Many Other Social Services.
Family Place Southern Dallas Outreach
PO Box 7999
Dallas, TX 75209
Hotline: (214) 941-1991
Phone: (214) 559-2170
Web: http://www.familyplace.org/Page.aspx?pid=191
Believing that intervention, emergency shelter, and crisis counseling for all victims—women, children and men—will save lives and that transitional housing and case management will transform lives for the better.
Genesis Women’s Outreach
4411 Lemmon Avenue, Suite 201
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: (214) 559-2050
Web: http://www.gensisshelter.org
Genesis Women’s Shelter
Drawer G
Dallas, TX 75208
Hotline: (214) 942-2998
Phone: (214) 942-2998
Mosaic Family Service
4144 N. Central Exp. Ste. 530
Dallas, TX 75204
Phone: (214) 821-5393
Web: http://www.mosaicservices.org
Email: home@mosaicservices.org
Salvation Army Family Violence Program
Dallas, TX 75235
Hotline: (214) 424-7208
Phone: (214) 424-7029
The Family Place
PO Box 7999
Dallas, TX 75209
Hotline: (214) 941-1991
Phone: (214) 559-2170
Web: http://www.familyplace.org
Services: 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, transitional housing, outreach services, children’s services, incest recovery services, battering intervention and prevention program, public education, and client legal services.
407 South Washburn
Decatur, TX 76234-1840
Hotline: 940-626-4855 or 1-866-684-4855
Phone: 940- 393-2984 (Espanol)
Phone: 940-626-4585 (Office)
Fax: 940-626-4117
Web: http://www.wisehope.org
Del Rio
PO Box 1454
Del Rio, TX 78841
Hotline: (830) 774-2744
Phone: (830) 775-9612
Phone: (830) 683-6455
Email: afvrcc@aol.com
P.O. Box 640
Denton, TX 76202-0640
Hotline: (940) 382-7373
Phone: (972) 387-5131
Web: http://www.dcfof.org/test.asp
Lewisville County
896 North Mill, Suite 203
Denton, TX 75067
Hotline: (800) 572-4031
306 West 7th St.
Dumas, TX 79029
Hotline: (806) 935-2828
Phone: (806) 935-7585 (Office)
Web: http://www.safeplaceinc.org
Providing emergency shelter
Eagle Pass
P O Box 268
Eagle Pass, TX 78853
Hotline: (800) 363-9441
Phone: (830) 757-5188
Email: wwsinc@brushco.net
PO Box 1010
Eastland, TX 76448
Hotline: (888) 686-3222
Phone: (254) 629-3223
Email: eccc@txol.net
El Paso
2121 Wyoming St.
El Paso, TX 79903
Hotline: (915) 593-7300
Phone: (915) 593-1000
The Family Resource Center
580 Giles
El Paso, TX 79915
Hotline: (915) 593-7300 or 1-800-727-0511
Phone: (915) 595-2238
Web: http://www.cafv.org
Confidential assistance and educational programs.
Fort Worth
2001 Beach, Suite 530
Fort Worth, TX 76103
Phone: (817) 536-5496
P.O. Box 73
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Phone: (830) 997-9756
Web: http://www.needscouncil.org
Email: hccfin@ktc.com
Ft. Worth
6815 Manhattan Blvd. Suite 105
Ft. Worth, TX 76120
Hotline: 817-460-5566 or 1-877-701-7233
Phone: 817-535-6462 Office
P.O. Box 1221
Gainesville, TX 76241
Hotline: (940) 665-2873
Phone: (940) 665-2873
Web: http://www.abigalsarms.org
PO Box 1545
Galveston, TX 77553
Hotline: (409) 919-7233
Phone: (409) 763-1441
Web: http://www.rccgc.org
218 North 10th Street
Garland, TX 75040
Hotline: (972) 276-0057
Phone: (972) 276-0423
Phone: (972) 864-8550
Fax: (972) 276-1344
Web: http://www.newbeginningcenter.org
Email: victim@newbeginningcenter.org
Also Serving Mesquite and surrounding areas. Services: crisis intervention, education, counseling and outreach services.
Gidding, TX
Hotline: (888) 311-7755
Phone: (979) 542-9510 answered on Wednesday and Thursday only
Phone: (512) 321-7760 Main Office
2200 Mancet St. Ste.600
Glaveston, TX 77550
Phone: (409) 762-8636
PO Box 1343
Granbury, TX 76048
Hotline: (817) 579-6848
Phone: (817) 579-6866
Email: mqi@granbury.com
Grand Prairie
P.O. Box 532151
Grand Prairie, TX 75053
Hotline: (972) 262-8383
Phone: (972) 262-8383
Web: http://www.brightertomorrows.net/
Email: btwrc1@aol.com
Providing emergency and transitional housing, counseling, legal assistance and referral to other services.
PO Box 349
Greenville, TX 75403
Hotline: (903) 454-4357
Phone: (903) 455-4612
Email: win@geusnet.com
PO Box 25
Hamilton, TX 76540
Hotline: (888) 799-7233
Phone: (888) 799-7233 Office
Web: http://www.familiesincrisis.net
Email: ficinc@earthlink.net
616 W. Taylor
Harlingen, TX 78550
Hotline: (956) 423-9305
Phone: (956) 423-9306
Web: http://www.familycrisisctr.org
Email: familycrisiscenter@sbcglobal.net
24 hour hot line, Transportation to a safe place, shelter, counseling, medical/legal referrals, advocacy programs, education and therapeutic programs. Serving Northern Cameron and Willacy Counties.
PO Box 52
Haskell, TX 79521
Hotline: (800) 444-3551
Phone: (940) 864-2551
Web: http://www.noahproject.org
Email: noahproj@camalott.com
Providing emergency shelter, crisis intervention, and legal and personal advocacy in Taylor, Callahan, Eastland, Stephens, Shackelford, Jones, and Throckmorton Counties.
PO Box 1053
910 9th Street
Hempstead, TX 77445
Phone: (979) 826-3290
Phone: (877)-237-2339
Web: http://www.focusing-families.org/
Email: focusing_families@yahoo.com
Counties Served: Waller, Washington, Austin, Harris, Grimes
P.O. Box 393
Hondo, TX 78861
Hotline: (830) 426-5131
Phone: (830) 426-5972
Email: swflc@world-net.net
Counties Served: Medina, Frio, Uvalde
1001 Texas Ave, Ste 600
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 229-8453
Web: http://www.avda-tx.org
Asians Against Domestic Abuse
P.O. Box 420776
Houston, TX 77242-0776
Hotline: (713) 339-8300
Phone: (713) 974-3743 (10am-4pm)
Web: http://www.aadainc.org/
Email: aadaorg@yahoo.com
Free and confidential support to women and children. Languages spoken: Arabic, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, Malayalam, Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese, Filipino, Punjabi, Taiwanese, Vietmanese, and Urdu.
Houston Area Women’s Center
1010 Waugh Drive
Houston, TX 77019
Hotline: (713) 528-7273
Phone: (713) 528-6798
Phone: (713) 528-2121
Web: http://www.hawc.org
Email: cmeyer@hawc.org
Counties Served: Harris, Galveston, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Waller, Chambers, Brazoria, Matagorda
Montrose Counseling Center
401 Branard , 2nd Fl
Houston, TX 77006
Hotline: (713) 529-3211
Phone: (713) 529-0037
Web: http://www.montrosecounselingcenter.org
Email: avp@montrosecounselingcenter.org
Tahirih Justice Center
PO Box 8442
Houston, TX 77288
Phone: 713-756-4198
Fax: 713-356-7657
Web: http://www.tahirih.org/
Email: houston@tahirih.org
The following services will be offered in the Houston metropolitan area: Immigration legal services and social service referrals and case management. The Tahirih Justice Center works to protect immigrant women and girls seeking justice in the United States from gender-based violence. Tahirih’s innovative and comprehensive approach leverages pro bono resources to provide a combination of legal services, advocacy, and public education programs.
PO Box 893
Humble, TX 77347
Hotline: (281) 446-2615
Web: http://www.familytimeccc.org
Email: ftime@earthlink.net
Counties Served: Harris, Montgomery, and Liberty
PO Box 1893
Huntsville, TX 77342
Hotline: (936) 291-3369
Phone: (936) 291-3529
Web: http://www.saafehouse.org
Email: besafe@saafehouse.org
Counties Served: Walker, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity
PO Box 8371
Jacksonville, TX 75766
Hotline: (800) 232-8519
Phone: (903) 586-9118
Web: http://www.mycrisiscenter.com
Email: donaldh@mycrisiscenter.com
Counties Served: Cherokee, Anderson
Domestic Abuse Center
PO Box 986
Katy, TX 77492
Hotline: (281)693-7273
Phone: (281) 391-5262
Web: http://www.ktcm.org
Email: lisa.sanchez@ktcm.org
Counties Served: Harris, Waller, and Fort Bend
PO Box 291817
Kerrville, TX 78028
Hotline: (830) 257-2400
Phone: (830) 257-7088
Web: http://www.hillcountrycrisiscouncil.org
Email: info@hillcountrycrisiscouncil.org
Counties Served: Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, and Kerr
905 Broadway
Kilgore, TX 75662
Hotline: (800) 333-9148
Phone: (903) 984-3019
Web: http://www.thecrisis-center.com
Email: daviscrisiscenter@cablelynx.com
Counties Served: Gregg, Panola, Harrison, Rusk
PO Box 25
Killeen, TX 76540
Hotline: (888) 799-7233
Phone: (254) 634-1184
Web: http://www.familiesincrisis.net
Email: ficinc@earthlink.net
Counties Served: Bell, Coryell, and Hamilton
205 E King Ave
Kingsville, TX 78363
Hotline: (800) 580-4878
Phone: (361) 362-1187
Phone: (361) 516-0288
Women’s Shelter of South Texas, Kingsville
PO Box 3368
Kingsville, TX 78463
Hotline: (361) 516-0330
Phone: (361) 516-0330
Web: http://www.thewomensshelter.org
Email: fwilson@thewomensshelter.org
Counties Served: Kingsville serves Kleberg County
PO Box 1412
Kountze, TX 77625
Hotline: (409) 246-4300
Phone: (409) 246-4300
Email: hccvac@co.hardin.tx.us
Counties Served: Hardin, Tyler, Jefferson
313 W. Village Blvd., Ste 114
Laredo, TX 78041
Hotline: (956) 724-3177
Phone: (956) 725-2522
Web: http://www.scan-inc.org
Email: sandrahernandez@scan-inc.org
Counties Served: Webb
League City
PO Box 1545
League City, TX 77553
Hotline: (888) 919-7233
Phone: (281) 557-9051
Phone: (409) 763-1441
Web: http://www.galveston.com/crisiscenter
Email: tmiller@rccgc.org
Counties Served: Galveston
PO Box 641
Lewisville, TX 76202
Hotline: (800) 572-4032
Phone: (972) 221-0650
Web: http://www.dcfof.org
Email: toni@dcfof.org
Counties Served: Denton, Cooke, and Wise
602 East Church Street, Ste. 204
Livingston, TX 77351
Hotline: (936) 327-2513
Phone: (936) 327-6427
Web: http://www.saafehouse.org
Email: besafe@saafehouse.org
Counties Served: Walker, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity
PO Box 347
Longview, TX 75606
Hotline: (800) 441-5555
Phone: (903) 295-7526
Email: shannon@wc-et.org
Counties Served: Gregg, Harrison, Marion, and Upshur
P O Box 54089
Lubbock, TX 79453
Hotline: (806) 747-6491
Phone: (8(806) 748-5292 (Office)
Web: http://www.wpslbk.org
Email: fcates@wpslbk.org
2401 Davisville Rd.
Lufkin, TX 75902
Hotline: (800) 828-7233 (24 hours)
Phone: 936-639-1681
Women’s Shelter of East Texas
PO Box 510
Lufkin, TX 75902
Hotline: (800) 828-7233
Phone: (936) 639-1681
Email: familycrisiscenter@suddenlinkmail.com
Counties Served: Angelina, Nacogdoches, Houston, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, and Trinity
Marble Falls
PO Box 805
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Hotline: (830) 664-3574
Phone: (830) 693-3656
Email: hlfcc@moment.net
Also Serving Blanco, Lampasas, and Llano Counties
The Counseling Center
PO Box 486
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Email: E-mail: counsel@tstar.net
2109 Victory Dr.
Marshall, TX 75672
Hotline: (800) 441-5555
Phone: (903) 934-9661
420 North 21st Street
McAllen, TX 78501
Hotline: (956) 580-4879
Phone: (956) 644-2826
Web: http://www.mujeresunidas.org
Email: womentog@swbell.net
P.O. Box 11331
Midland, TX 79702
Hotline: (800) 570-1465
Phone: (432) 522-7202
Phone: (432) 580-5970
Web: http://www.safeplacenow.com
Email: cwayland@safeplacenow.com
Also Serving Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Reeves, Upton, Ward, and Winkler Counties
Mineral Wells
PO Box 1650
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
Hotline: (940) 325-1306
Phone: (940) 325-1307
Also Serving Erath, Hood, and Parker Counties
Mt. Pleasant
204 Patrick
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
Hotline: (903) 575-9999
Phone: (903) 572-0973
Web: http://www.safe-tagency.com
Also Serving Camp, Franklin, and Morris Counties
2723 Durst St.
Nacogdoches, TX 75964
Hotline: (800) 828-7233
Phone: (936) 569-1018
Email: prestonwset@cox-internet.com
New Braunfels
PO Box 310344
New Braunfels, TX 78131
Hotline: (830) 620-4357
Phone: (830) 620-7520
Web: http://www.ccccnbtx.org
Email: dperez@ccccnbtx.org
Counties Served: Comal, Guadalupe
PO Box 7741
Odessa, TX 79760
Hotline: (866) 627-4747
Phone: (432) 333-2527
Web: http://www.odessacrisiscenter.com
Email: crisiscenter@nwol.net
Counties Served: Andrews, Crane, Ector, Gaines, Loving, Reeves, Ward, Winkler
PO Box 8371
Palestine, TX 75766
Hotline: (800) 232-8519
Phone: (903) 723-5858
PO Box 2880
Pampa, TX 79066
Hotline: (806) 669-1788
Phone: (806) 669-1131
Email: tralee@amaonline.com
Also Serving Carson, Collingsworth, Donley, Hemphill, Roberts, and Wheeler Counties
830 SW 6th Street
Paris, TX 75460
Hotline: 903-784-6842
Phone: 903-784-6901
Web: http://www.familyhaventx.org
Email: fhaven@suddenlinkmail.com
Counties Served: Lamar, Delta, Hopkins, Red River, Franklin, Titus
SAFE-T Crisis Center
PO Box 2337
Paris, TX 75456
Hotline: (903) 575-9999
Phone: (903) 783-1313
Web: http://www.safe-tagency.com
Email: info@safe-tagency.com
Counties Served: Titus, Camp, Morris, Wood, Franklin, and Hopkins
PO Box 3488
Pasadena, TX 77501
Hotline: (713) 473-2801
Phone: (713) 472-0753
Web: http://www.tbotw.org
Email: thebridge@tbotw.org
411 N. Willow #10
Pearsall, TX 78061
Hotline: (830) 426-5131
Phone: (830) 334-4556
Email: swflc@world-net.net
Counties Served: Medina, Frio, and Uvalde
PO Box 502
Perryton, TX 79070
Hotline: (800) 753-5308
Phone: (806) 435-5008
Web: http://www.panhandlecrisiscenter.org
Email: pccpcc@ptsi.net
Counties Served: Hansford, Lipscomb, and Ochiltree
PO Box 326
Plainview, TX 79073-0326
Hotline: (806) 293-7273
Phone: (806) 293-9772
Email: kharris@crisisctr.com
Counties Served: Hale, Floyd, Motley, Lamb, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe,
PO Box 866754
Plano, TX 75086
Hotline: (800) 886-7273
Phone: (972) 985-0951
Web: http://www.theturningpoint.org
Email: info@theturningpoint.org
PO Box 688
Pleasanton, TX 78064
Hotline: (830) 569-2001
Phone: (830) 569-2001
Email: gd@atascosafamilycrisis.org
Counties Served: Atascosa, Wilson, and Frio
Port Lavaca
PO Box 1300
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
Hotline: 361-552-4357
Phone: 361-552-1982
Web: http://www.harboradvocacycenter.org
Email: harbor2@tisd.net
Counties Served: Calhoun
PO Box 2384
Presidio, TX 79845
Hotline: (800) 834-0654
Phone: (432) 229-4297
Email: fccbb@sbcglobal.net
192 North 3rd Street
Raymondville, TX 78580
Hotline: 866-423-9304
Phone: 956-689-5150
Web: http://www.familycrisisctr.org
Email: familycrisiscenter@sbcglobal.net
Counties Served: Cameron and Willacy
P.O. Box 183
Richmond, TX 77406-0183
Hotline: (281) 427-3650
Phone: (281) 494-4545
Email: mail@fortbendwomenscenter.org
102 S. First St.
Rockwall, TX 75087
Hotline: (903) 454-4357
Phone: (903) 455-4612
PO Box 183
Rosenberg, TX 77469
Hotline: (281) 342-4357
Phone: (281) 342-0251
Web: http://www.fortbendwomenscenter.org
Email: amonem@fortbendwomenscenter.org
Counties Served: Fort Bend, Harris, Wharton
Round Rock
1011 Gattis School Rd. Suite 106
Round Rock, TX 78664
Hotline: (800) 460-SAFE (7233)
Phone: (512) 255-1212
Web: http://www.wccc.info
Email: hopealliance@hopealliancetx.org
Counties Served: Williamson and surrounding
San Angelo
315 Koberlin
San Angelo, TX 76903
Hotline: (325) 658-8888
Phone: (325) 655-2000
Web: http://www.cvrcc.org
Email: administration@cv-rcc.org
Counties Served: Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch
San Antonio
7911 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209
Hotline: (210) 733-8810
Phone: (210) 930-3669
Web: http://fvps.org
San Marcos
PO Box 234
San Marcos, TX 78667
Hotline: (512) 396-4357
Phone: (512) 396-3404
Web: http://www.hcwc.org
Email: info@hcwc.org
Counties Served: Hays, Caldwell
PO Box 2112
Sherman, TX 75091
Hotline: (800) 259-3909 or (903) 893-5615
Web: http://www.graysoncrisiscenter.org
Email: gcccrisisdirector@verizon.net
Counties Served: Grayson
PO Box 3368
Sinton, TX 78463
Hotline: (361) 364-0661
Phone: (361) 364-0661
Web: http://www.thewomensshelter.org
Email: fwilson@thewomensshelter.org
Counties Served: Sinton serves San Patricio County
P.O. Box 1394
Snyder, TX 79550
Hotline: (325) 578-8054
Phone: (325) 573-4351
Email: sagatewy@nwol.net
Also Serving Fisher, Kent, Mitchell, and Nolan Counties
511 W. 11th St.
Spearman, TX 79081
Hotline: (800) 753-5308
Phone: (806) 659-3391
Email: pccpcc@ptsi.net
PO Box 8669
Splendora, TX 77387
Hotline: 936-441-7273
Phone: 281-689-0227
Web: http://www.mcwcthewoodlands.org
Email: crisis@mcwcthewoodlands.org
Counties Served: Montgomery, Harris, and Liberty
10435 Greenbough, Suite 200
Stafford, TX 77477
Hotline: (281) 342-4357
Phone: (281) 207-2460
Email: fbcwc@aol.com
PO Box 1136
Stephenville, TX 76401
Hotline: (254) 934-4357
Phone: (254) 965-5516
Web: http://www.crosstimberfamilyservices.org
Email: ctfs@crosstimberfamilyservices.org
Sulphur Springs
421 Industrial Suite 211
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
Hotline: 903-575-9999
Phone: 903-439-0325
Web: http://www.safe-tagency.com
Email: info@safe-tagency.com
Counties Served: Titus, Camp, Morris, Wood, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Red River, Delta
SAFE-T Crisis Center, Sulpher Springs
PO Box 2337
Sulphur Springs, TX 75456
Hotline: 903-575-9999
Phone: 903-439-0325
Web: http://www.safe-tagency.com
Email: info@safe-tagency.com
Counties Served: Titus, Camp, Morris, Wood, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Red River, Delta
PO Box 2142
Temple, TX 76503
Hotline: (888) 799-SAFE
Phone: (254) 773-7765
Web: http://www.familiesincrisis.net
Email: ficinc@earthlink.net
Counties Served: Bell
PO Box 712
Texarkana, TX 75504
Hotline: (903) 793-4357
Phone: (903) 794-4000
Web: http://www.dvptxk.org
Email: gayle.martin@dvptxk.org
Counties Served: Bowie, Cass
Texas City
PO Box 1545
Texas City, TX 77553
Hotline: (409) 942-4357
Phone: (409) 763-1441
Email: tmiller@rccgc.org
Counties Served: Galveston
The Woodlands
PO Box 8669
The Woodlands, TX 77387-8669
Hotline: (936) 441-7273
Phone: (281) 292-4155 (Office)
Phone: Legal and Hispanic Outreach: 1-888-825-9682 ext. 300
Web: http://www.mcwcthewoodlands.org
Email: crisis@ncwcthewoodlands.org
Counties Served: Montgomery, Harris, and Liberty
P.O. Box 7060
Tyler, TX 75711
Hotline: (800) 333-0358
Phone: (903) 509-2526
Fax: (903) 509-2283
Web: http://www.etcc.org
Email: director@etcc.org
Counties Served: Smith, Henderson, Van Zandt, Wood, Rains
P.O. Box 514
Uvalde, TX 78801
Hotline: (800) 426-5131
Phone: (830) 278-1067
Email: swflc@netzero.com
Counties Served: Uvalde
1801 N. Laurent, Suite 200
Victoria, TX 77901
Hotline: (888) 365-7345
Phone: (361) 573-5868
Email: hope@tisd.net
Counties Served: Victoria, Dewitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Jackson, Lavaca
2323 Columbus Ave
Waco, TX 76701
Hotline: (254) 752-7233
Phone: (254) 752-9330
Web: http://www.advocacycntr.org
Email: opendoor@advocacycntr.org
Counties Served: Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, McLennan
310 W. Jefferson Street
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Hotline: (866) 614-3344
Phone: (972) 923-3344
Email: demaskes@lanwt.org
Counties: Ellis, Kaufman
PO Box 1626
Weatherford, TX 76086
Hotline: (817) 596-8922
Phone: (817) 596-7543
Web: http://www.freedomhousepc.org
Email: ct4fh@sbcglobal.net
Counties Served: Parker and surrounding counties
PO Box 57543
Webster, TX 77598
Hotline: (281) 286-2525
Phone: 281-338-7600
Web: http://www.bayareaturningpoint.com
Email: cramirez@bayareaturningpoint.com
Counties Served: Harris, Galveston, Brazoria
West Columbia
501 W Brazos Ave
West Columbia, TX 77486
Hotline: (979) 243-5788
Phone: (979) 345-5014
Services: Shelter, Counseling, and Advocacy Programs.
Women’s Center of Brazoria Co., Inc., West Columbia
310 E. Clay
West Columbia, TX 77486
Hotline: 800-243-5788 or 281-585-0902
Phone: (979) 345-5014
Email: wcbc1216@sbcglobal.net
Counties Served: Brazoria
Wharton County Outreach
1017 N. Alabama Road
Wharton, TX 77488
Hotline: (800) 451-9235
Phone: (979) 531-1300
Email: director@crisiscnt.com
Counties Served: Wharton
Wichita Falls
PO BOX 4085
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Hotline: (800) 658-2683
Phone: (940) 723-7799
Web: http://www.firststep.org
Email: firststepbernal@yahoo.com
Counties Served: Childress, Cottle, Hardeman, Foard, Wilbarger, Baylor, Wichita, Archer, Young, Clay, Jack, Montague
PO Box 174
Woodville, TX 75979
Hotline: (800) 621-8882
Phone: (409) 283-5887
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